Heart Health Month and tips for keeping a healthy heart

Heart Health Month and tips for keeping a healthy heart

Heart Health Month and tips for keeping a healthy heart

February is the month of love, and it is also Heart Health Month. Taking care of your heart is the best way to ensure a healthy body, mind, and overall life. There are many ways to keep your heart healthy, including eating your vegetables, exercise, and chiropractic care. Let’s dive into some tips that will help your heart stay happy and healthy!

Healthy eating habits

Cutting out unhealthy sugars, foods that are high in saturated and trans fats, avoiding alcohol and sugary drinks, and practicing good eating habits over time are all ways to maintain good heart health.

As kids our parents always told us to “eat our veggies,” and it is important that you do eat them! Vegetables and fruits contain good nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy, and they help lower the risk of heart disease, according to the Heart Foundation.

It is always a good idea to research what is in the food you are eating. Educate yourself on what foods to avoid and what foods give you fiber, nutrients, and healthy protein!

Regular exercise

It is important to be physically active every day, even if it’s only for 30 minutes. Regular exercise can help maintain a healthy weight, keep your cholesterol and blood pressure down, and help prevent heart disease.

The Heart Foundation states that you should aim for 150 minutes of physical activity a week and have at least two days where you work on strengthening your muscles.

Avoid smoking

Smoking essentially keeps your blood from getting the oxygen supply it needs and clogs blood vessel walls and arteries.

According to the Heart Foundation, those who smoke are, “Four times more likely to die of heart disease (i.e. heart attack and stroke) and three times more likely to die from sudden cardiac death.”

Quitting smoking can be hard and take time, but don’t give up! It is worth it to keep your heart and body healthy and help live a long life.

Chiropractic care

Getting regular chiropractic adjustments can help keep your heart healthy.

Chiropractic care helps realign the nerves in your body, which in turn helps keep the autonomic nervous system functioning properly. Nerves help control blood pressure and heart rate, two things that can cause heart problems if they are not kept at healthy levels.

There are other benefits of chiropractic care relating to heart disease such as it helps reduce inflammation and improves heart rate variability.

Come see me

Are you trying to keep your heart and the rest of your body healthy? I can help! Contact me today and let’s get you on track to living that happy and long life, with a healthy heart!

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